This 12 year old from Georgia wants to make a big difference in his home state. Using all the tools of a professional political operative he is organizing to reduce the age limits for office-holders in the Georgia House and Senate.
Listen to Coreco “CJ” Pearson Jr. speak and you hear the classic stump speech of a true conservative.In front of you is a 12-year-old hankering to make his first legislative mark on the world.
His issue: challenging age barriers that keep his peers out of politics. He’s jockeying to lower Georgia’s minimum age restrictions on holding public office to age 18 in the House and 21 in the Senate. An African-American preteen from Augusta, Georgia, is hardly the face of the GOP. But he’s got more yea-sayers than you’d guess: Since November, CJ has worked his connections to recruit a slew of supporters. Seven co-sponsors have already signed on, including state Reps. Ben Harbin, Barry Fleming and Buzz Brockway. If 18-year-olds can get drafted, “why not give them a chance?” Brockway quipped.
Source: A 5-Foot-Nothing Conservative Whiz Kid | Rising Stars | OZY